30 October 2018

With Tina and Tilen in Piran

With Tina and Tilen from Morigenos, talking about Adriatic dolphins in Piran, Slovenia.

(Photos by Tilen Genov)

27 October 2018


A tight group of bottlenose dolphins encountered 12 nautical miles off Venice, Italy.

(Photos by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)

25 October 2018

Golden sea fishing

A small bottom trawler fishing on a golden sea, last night.

(Photos by G. Bearzi, Northern Adriatic Sea)

22 October 2018

20 October 2018

Still looking for dolphins

On the way back to our home port, still looking for dolphins.

(Photo by G. Bearzi, Northern Adriatic Sea)

19 October 2018

Evening trawling

Beam trawler at work in the late evening light.

(Photo by G. Bearzi, Northern Adriatic Sea)

18 October 2018

17 October 2018

14 October 2018

Dolphins and beam trawlers

Dolphins off the coasts of Veneto, Italy, forage behind bottom trawlers and midwater pair trawlers, but normally they do not follow beam trawlers. This bottlenose dolphin group crossed a beam trawler but just ignored it, diving past the boat and moving on without changing track.

(Photos by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)

12 October 2018

10 October 2018

Plastic planet

A large sheet of plastic found offshore.

(Photo by G. Bearzi, Northern Adriatic Sea)

09 October 2018

Flying dolphins

Part of a group of 70–80 bottlenose dolphins encountered off Veneto, Italy. This is the largest group we have observed so far in these waters.

(Photos by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)

08 October 2018

Dolphin and cod end buoy

Bottlenose dolphin surfacing besides the cod-end buoy of a bottom trawler while the net is being dragged. For dolphins off Veneto, Italy, following bottom and midwater trawlers is a 'popular' foraging behaviour.

(Photo by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)

07 October 2018

Whales and dolphins in Malnisio, Italy

Today's seminar at the amazing museum of the Malnisio hydroelectric plant.

(Photos by S. Bonizzoni)

05 October 2018

Bottlenose dolphins and midwater pair trawlers

Bottlenose dolphins foraging behind midwater pair trawlers off the coast of Veneto, Italy.

(Photos by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)

01 October 2018