30 September 2018
Loggerhead sea turtle and barnacles
A juvenile loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta covered with barnacles.
(Photo by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)
29 September 2018
27 September 2018
Dolphin behind midwater pair trawlers
A bottlenose dolphin forages in the wake of midwater pair trawlers as nets are being hauled, 10 nautical miles off Caorle, Italy.
(Photo by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)
26 September 2018
25 September 2018
24 September 2018
Last surfacing before a dive
This kind of body arching suggests this is the last of a series of surfacings, and the beginning of a long dive.
(Photo by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)
23 September 2018
Giovanni Bearzi al Malnisio Science Festival 2018
Delfini e balene: da mostri malvagi a individui senzienti
Attraverso immagini di grande impatto visivo, illustrerò gli stupefacenti cambiamenti che hanno trasformato il nostro modo di percepire i cetacei: per secoli, esseri mostruosi e maligni, animali nocivi da sterminare, prede; oggi, giganti gentili, simpatici cugini acquatici dalle mirabili capacità intellettive, individui senzienti.
L’evolversi di questa “biofilia marina” sarà in grado di rallentare il degrado ambientale e la perdita di biodiversità ? Di certo alcune popolazioni di cetacei sono state decimate e versano in grave pericolo, anche nei nostri mari. È possibile evitarne la scomparsa?
Domenica 7 ottobre, ore 10.45
Centrale idroelettrica A. Pitter di Malnisio
Via Alessandro Volta 27
33086 Montereale Valcellina PN
Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Adriatic
During the summer we observed masses of this beautiful ctenophore, the comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi. It is an alien species in the Adriatic, and one with a high destructive potential as it feeds on fish eggs and larvae, as well as on zooplankton. The comb jelly bloom has the potential to further compromise Adriatic fish stocks that have already been compromised by decades of overfishing.
(Photo by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)
22 September 2018
Dawn at sea
Looking for dolphins in the early morning, before the sun rises and the wind raises.
(Photo by G. Bearzi, Northern Adriatic Sea)
21 September 2018
20 September 2018
18 September 2018
Dolphin off Porto Tolle
A bottlenose dolphin surfaces near the coast off the Po River delta, not far from the dismissed thermoelectric plant of Porto Tolle.
(Photo by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)
17 September 2018
16 September 2018
Marked flukes
The nicks in the flukes of this bottlenose dolphin likely originate from a bite given by some other dolphin.
(Photo by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)
13 September 2018
Who's stronger?
Adult male bottlenose dolphins on a quest for dominance: a display of acrobatic skills and physical strength.
(Photos by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)
12 September 2018
11 September 2018
Pelagic stingray feeding on floating seagrass
This young pelagic stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea was observed feeding (with its belly up) on floating leaves of the seagrass Zostera marina.
In the Adriatic Sea waters off Veneto encounters with juvenile pelagic stingrays swimming near the surface are not rare. However, it is the first time we observed this somewhat unexpected foraging behaviour
(Photos by S. Bonizzoni)
10 September 2018
The small house in Veli Losinj, Croatia, where Giovanni used to live in the 1990s while running the Adriatic Dolphin Project. Renovated by the new owners and repainted in light blue, it is as lovely today as it used to be back then. We returned after twenty years, as tourists.
(Photos by S. Bonizzoni)
09 September 2018
Cormorant and buoys
Great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo and mussel farm buoys.
(Photo by G. Bearzi, Northern Adriatic Sea)
08 September 2018
Head bumping
Two male bottlenose dolphins bumbing their heads real hard as they fight in the offshore waters of Veneto, Italy.
(Photo by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)
06 September 2018
05 September 2018
Surfacing in tight formation
Bottlenose dolphins surfacing in tight formation off the Adriatic LNG terminal.
(Photo by S. Bonizzoni, Northern Adriatic Sea)
04 September 2018
Good light
Bottlenose dolphin photographed in a stunning evening light.
(Photo by G. Bearzi, Northern Adriatic Sea)
Silvia and Marco
Silvia with Marco Bregoli, a Marine Biology student at the University of Padova, Italy.
(Photo by G. Bearzi, Northern Adriatic Sea)
02 September 2018
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