12 July 2013

Dolphin Biology People: Demetrius

Demetrius Andressakis' father was a lighthouse keeper and a fisherman. During the summer months, their family lived on a tiny island off Galaxidi, and young Demetrius would be dropped on the mainland by his father to cross the forest and bring the catch of the day to be sold at the Galaxidi fish market. While Demetrius then moved to the U.S. and worked for many years as an engineer, he keeps coming to Galaxidi for several months every year, setting his trammel nets as his father did, with the same old wooden boat. Demetrius has lots of stories to tell about the Gulf of Corinth and the ecosystem changes he witnessed during his lifetime. He is always eager to share those stories with us and with the people who join our research team to study dolphins.

(Photo by B. Würsig, June 2013)

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Beautiful blog! It is wonderful how we have this common purpose in our love of the ocean, doing what we can to educate others about God's creatures. Cozumel is not too far from Greece, is it?